When the situation is ambiguous, do what's right. This is one of my absolute favorite sayings, because it embodies the basic essence of a leader. First, recognize the situation that you are in. Second, recognize what is right, in the eyes of the customer first, the business and employees second. Then make a decision and act.
There are many ambiguous situations in the business world (and in the world in general). They consist of situations where it is easy to to bury one's head and let an issue roll on by. They consist of issues where you are not given any direction from your boss or employer. They consist of times when extra work is called for, to satisfy a distraught or angry customer. Like Jack Johnson's "Situation Number 3", all too often it is the situation that no one sees.
The right thing to do, on the other hand, is usually clear. Through issue ownership and leadership, the right thing to can be accomplished. Even where the right thing is not clear, any action to address a situation is usually far better than no action. The key is to make a decision and act.
When the situation is ambiguous, do the right thing. A call to leadership is a company.