Monday, May 19, 2008

Chattanooga Internet Efforts

An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal today, highlighting, in part, Chattanooga's efforts to improve internet download and upload speed to it's citizens. Cable providers, of course, resist the effort. KNS had that part of the story a month or so ago.

I always find it interesting that companies who, for decades, have reaped profits from local or regional monopolies, then resist when the local government starts to generate efforts at improved services.

Rant aside, I always find this area of commerce, law, monopoly, government, utilities crossover to be fascinating. Add to this the population demographics (highlighted in the WSJ article) of various countries and it makes for very interesting reading (for a data wonk).

The additional focus area of small- to mid-sized cities falling behind and we all need to see internet speeds improved! Unknown applications abound with improved internet speed.

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