Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Customer Service, an example

I had a real life example of both bad and good customer service, and the psychological difference caused by each example.

At a local filling station (unnamed to protect the guilty) in the Cedar Bluff area, I had a significant purchase to make. I also asked for change for a quick cleaning of my car. The change was not available and the clerk was very surly, as if my expectation of support for their own cleaning equipment was a fault of mine. I was not happy and did not make any of the purchases, nor use their on-site equipment. Total immediate sale lost: >$10. What is worse for this store, though, is that I will not shop there again. Total sales lost: priceless. And I am only one customer.

After my experience, I left the store and drove to the Weigels at Ebenezer and Northshore to purchase the same material and service. I went in, the clerk smiled, change was immediately available. The clerk was pleasant and genuinely friendly and wanted to help. They will now get my business and I am only one customer. Total immediate sale: >$10. Reputation: priceless.

Genuine customer service is basic human kindness and understanding and a willingness to be helpful. It is not hard to expect nor train and the yields are emmense.

P.S. - The clerk at Weigels worked Sunday 5/4 around 2 p.m. I did not catch her name, but she is awesome!

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